Science and clinical

The relationship between two views, the scientific and the clinical, is addressed when contemplating the human being in his suffering. Subjective uniqueness will always difficult a simplistic statistical approach like the one that underlies so-called evidence- based medicine. The importance of the unconscious underlines the Read more…

Review of «Sleeping beauty awakes: The malaise of not being conscious» by Regina Bayo-Borrás

[Automatic translation from Spanish]: Regina Bayo-Borras Falcon has written a book that is, firstly, indispensable for understanding the difficulty that it has been, and continues to be, to be a woman in the society from which we come and to which we belong in this Western world, which is only apparently more open to change Read more…

Presentation of Guillermo Bodner

[Automatic translation from Spanish]: A few months ago, at the Psychoanalysis Committee of the Official College of Psychology of Catalonia, we invited Guillermo Bodner to give his lecture entitled «Current problems: new pathologies, new normalities». This invitation has a precedent. It was in the context Read more…

Current problems: new pathologies and new normalities

The clinical presentation of patients who come to the psychoanalyst’s office has been changing in recent times. This paper discusses the validity of Freud’s basic proposals despite clinical transformations. The author believes that the basic postulate of an irreducible dynamic unconscious, only available through its Read more…

About the ecological crisis. Reflections from dynamic psychology

In these reflections it is assumed that climate change and the ecological crisis are phenomena closely related to the current social organization system. After criticizing the aforementioned system, some of the structural changes that would be necessary, at the macrosocial level, to combat and not Read more…

Critical analysis of DSM-5 from the psychoanalytic perspective

This essay is a critical analysis to the diagnostic criteria from DSM. These are focused on the phenomenological and the empirical, in a reductionist medical manner. Centered around the biological, supposedly genetic, placing all psychiatric issues within the brain. They work with the medical discourse. Read more…

Oedipus, where are you going?

From Jacques Derrida’s concept of «event», contemporary socio-cultural changes and their impact on the Oedipean organization are addressed, along with their influence on current sufferings. Hypotheses, drawn from studies on complexity, chaos, and self-organization, are proposed to contemplate the consequences and future of these changes. Read more…

Silent depressions in children and adolescents

The rise of silent depression in childhood and adolescence is a problem of great concern to mental health professionals because of the hidden suffering involved. The difficulty of working in depth with children and adolescents means that many depressions of this nature are often overlooked. Read more…

About «Ce qu’il y a de meilleur en nous: Travailler et honorer la vie»

The author goes through Christophe Dejours’ latest book, Ce qu’il y a de meilleur en nous: Travailler et honorer la vie [The best of us: working and honouring life], which is a continuation of Dejours’ previous book Souffrance en France [Suffering in France]. In this Read more…

Child theory and practice: The psychoanalysis of the future?

After many years of practicing with children, we realize its purpose remains ambiguous. As psychoanalysts, we are interested in rethinking the elements and variables within the psychoanalytic framework today. An introduction on the specific use of time as a valuable element rises above any other, Read more…

Review of the book «At stake. Game theory and technique in current clinical practice»

[Automatic translation from Spanish]: After a prologue by the psychiatrist Dr. José Manuel Ibañez, the publishers of the book that we want to discuss, present in their «Introduction» the reasons why they have gathered the contributions of thirteen professionals Read more…

Gradiva – XI Exchange Conference on Psychoanalysis

[Automatic translation from Spanish]: Finally, and with a certain delay due to the pandemic, we were able to share with a great number of colleges our 11th Psychoanalysis Exchange Conference on April 21st and 22nd. On this occasion, they are about «The feminine singularity: body, Read more…

Issue 50 :: print free shipping

Have been published paper magazine issue 50 which includes a monograph dedicated to Dr. Francesc Tosquelles. You will find articles by Carmen Amorós, José María Franco, Joan Homs, Susana Volosín, Iñaki Markez, Jacques Tosquellas, Belén Pardo, Miquel Bassols, Pere Llovet, Julieta Lucero, Florencia Bernthal, Mari Carmen Giménez, Antonio Soler, Jerónimo Erviti, Antoni Talarn Read more…

The legacy of Dr Francesc Tosquelles

[Automatic translation from Spanish]: To tell what Francesc Tosquelles left me as a legacy, from a professional perspective, is something very difficult, perhaps almost obscene. However, I will try to respond to this, although it will certainly be very partial. To this end, I will Read more…

About Tosquelles and his values

[Automatic translation from Spanish]: First thing comes to mind is: I want to pass on something? To leave any marks? When I talk about Tosquelles, his history and my relationship with him, do I want to convey anything about the marks that others have left Read more…

The dance. The institutional practice and training with Francesc Tosquelles

[Automatic translation from Spanish]: My arrival at the Pere Mata Institute was my inclusion in institutional psychiatry and psychotherapy. My teacher was Dr. Francesc Tosquelles. I will tell you about the Tosquelles that I met in 1977, the year in which I began my residence Read more…

Francesc Tosquelles or reversed psychoanalysis

[Automatic translation from Catalan]: «Psychoanalysis in backwards» wants to evoke first of all the poem entitled «A l’inrevés» (In backwards) by Gabriel Ferrater, someone with whom Francesc Tosquelles felt very close, and not only because of the condition of Reus’ resident that they shared with. Read more…

Institutions dedicated to the treatment of insanity and segregated childhood

[Automatic translation from Catalan]: My first contact with the professional world of clinical psychology and psychoanalysis was in 1973, when I started doing internships at the Mental Institute of Santa Creu and Sant Pau, and immediately put me on the path of institutional analysis. For Read more…

Francesc Tosquelles Llauradó (1912-1994). From republican exile to institutional psychotherapy

Francesc Tosquelles is one of the leading representatives of French institutional psychotherapy, a psychiatric current whose conceptual seeds were probably sown in pre-civil war Catalonia around the figure of Emilio Mira i López, and whose technical applications were developed in France, the land of exile Read more…

Presentation of Tosquelles Conference

[Automatic translation from Spanish]: On 10 June, we presented the first Day of the journal «Intercambios/Intercanvis Psychoanalysis papers». The Day was raised as a double commemoration. Firstly, to welcome the fact that the «Intercambios/Intercanvis Psychoanalysis papers» Association has been on its way for 25 years Read more…

Tosquelles, what is left on the institutions?

[Automatic translation from Catalan]: Francesc Tosquelles’ legacy (1912-1994) has increasingly gained a presence in our quotidian work, and not only for his contributions in the field of mental health, since, following his training in Barcelona and during the war of 36, we must consider him Read more…

Tosquelles Conference round off

[Automatic translation from Catalan]: Closing words on Conference dedicated to Francesc Tosquelles. Paraphrasing Salvador Espriu. The time has come to close this act, but it seems nice to finish this Day, focusing on three issues that may well be the common denominator of the legacy Read more…

Tosquelles, going and return

This article develops Francesc Tosquelles thesis and it is linked to his return to Institut Pere Mata. He returns all scientific knowledge acquired before 1939 in Reus, Catalonia and Spain, applied and developed later in his professional stage at the Saint-Alban-sur-Limagnole hospital, known finally as Read more…

Short view of Francesc Tosquelles’ work and its influence in Catalonia

We review the work of Tosquelles, which developed in the field of psychiatric hospitals, but integrated elements from the fields of art and politics in a bidirectional way, with contributions of mutual enrichment. He developed it initially in Reus and, after the civil war, in Read more…