Para un psicoanálisis profano
Helga Fernández
Buenos Aires: Archivida, 2020
[Automatic translation from Catalan]:
With this title, In order to profane psychoanalysis), the book is not only a declaration of intent, but also the promise of the firm foundation of his argument.
We are dealing with a very different publication from those we are used to in our battles.
It is not obvious to say that Helga Fernández writes from an analytical position. I mean, just as we can differentiate the statement from the enunciation, with the corresponding subjects, we see how she manages to go beyond the writing and show in the writing itself the subject of the hand she writes, and the relief of the author appears first.
His principal thesis is to desecrate and the act itself of carrying it out, i.e. to make another reading, a clasp between the sacred (not only in religious terms but also as the inaccessible and idealized) and the profane. There would be no possible psychoanalytic reading without desecration. That is why, already in the presentation, he warns us of the danger we have as psychoanalyst if we end up replicating in echolalia.
From the beginning it claims transcription, transliteration (the operation of reading one text with another) and translation of texts. At the same time, the voltage of reading work places it in the fragmentary, oblique, biased and angular style, to deal with the mono speech and uniqueness of the voice.
And, as he tells us, he points out that all this has been read since the Desecrations by Agamben.
Concerned about psychoanalytic discourse and its use, is […]
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