Affectivity in psychoanalysis


As evidence from current neuroscience studies shows us, affectivity and attachment are intrinsically related. At the begining there is an attachment, and affectivity becomes separated from the quality of the attachment. The human being is born absolutely defenseless, both physically and psychically and now we know from these studies that the feedback between psychic and physical development have an intense relationship: the brain finally forms from this kind of attachment. Psychoanalysis, from its origins, has intuitively believed, thought and worked from these suppositions.

In this article the main contributions about the construct of affectivity are summarized, from Freud up to the authors of attachment theory, with Bowlby being the first theorist examined, through Klein and Winnicott. The most important contributions from these authors are explained and how they coincide with the neuroscientific contributions over the last ten years is briefly described. Some of these current contributions, the most significant not only in their theories but also in clinical studies are detailed.

attachment, affectivity, neurosciences.

Marta Areny i Cirilo
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