Awarded in IV Angel Garma Award

IV Ángel Garma Award to best unpublished work on psychoanalysis. Barcelona, 2019
Convened by AEN, Official College of Psychology of Catalonia and the magazine Intercanvis/Intercambios

The Ángel Garma Award aims to be a stimulus for the creation of new productions in the field of psychoanalysis. The Jury has awarded the best works on psychoanalysis among those selected by the Reading Committee. The members of the jury were: Mrs. Carmen Garma, Mr. Manuel Desviat, Mr. Iñaki Markez and Mrs. Ana Bloj.


1st Award shared

Género y diferenciación sexual desde la perspectiva psicoanalítica.
Jorge Marugan (Madrid)
Edipo en la literatura y el cine. Kafka y Pasolini. Estudio psicoanalítico.
Eduardo Braier (Barcelona)

2nd. Award

El arte excrementicio
Ivan Sanchez (Barcelona)

Secondary awards

Banalizaciones contemporáneas . lenguaje, sufrimiento, enfermedad y muerte.
Lierni Irizar (Donosti)
Interpretaciones. Frases de Freud dibujadas a ritmo de Tango.
Daniel Schoffer (Madrid)

Finalists, not awarded, but who have been recognized by the Jury

Psicoterapia en grupo (paralelo) de padres. “Focalizando en la función parental”.
Enrique Ger, Elena Trullén y Emma Clarós (Barcelona)
La Psychanalyse en Argentine.
Haydee Faimberg y Antoine Corel (París)

On Saturday, April 27, 2019, the ceremony for the IV Ángel Garma Award was held at the Official College of Psychology of Catalonia, followed by a selection of photographs of the event.

The Jury has awarded the best works on psychoanalysis among those previously selected by the Reading Committee that was set up to analyze all the papers presented, which have been in different formats: articles, conferences, books, research, programs, audiovisual media, etc.

The members of the Reading Committee who have selected the finalists for the IV Ángel Garma Award have been:

  • Àngels Vives
  • Isabel Laudo
  • María Elena Sanmartino
  • Chus Gómez
  • Daniel Cruz
  • José Ramón Ubieto

The members of the Jury that have selected the winners of the IV Ángel Garma Award have been:

  • Carmen Garma
  • Manuel Desviat
  • Iñaki Markez
  • Ana Bloj

Most of the papers presented have had an enormous quality and are very interesting.
Our thanks for the collaboration of all the participants as well as all the members of the Reading Committee and the Jury, for their enormous generosity.