Institutional violence and mental health, a matter of balance. The therapeutic accompaniment

The author discusses various aspects of institutional violence, placing the emphasis on the so-called «necessary violence» (Piera Aulagnier), one that is exercised not wanting to cause harm but for the sake of the other. She reflects briefly on the concepts of violence and aggression, their Read more…

About «The task with parents. From double listening to the construction of links» by Caellas, Kahane and Sánchez

[Text in Catalan]: Assistim a un recorregut ampli i minuciós per l’obra d’un nombre considerable de psicoanalistes, exponents de diferents èpoques i línies teòriques dins la psicoanàlisi, i no només de la psicoanàlisi infantil, deixant clar que no pertanyen a una o altra escola Read more…