Approach to death in a long-stay residential unit

Dossier: Covid-19? Re-establishing links: «crossing the familiar history and the work of the subjectivity. Approach and support in front of the death of their relatives» Presentation of the work proposed to do with families of residents with intellectual disability and mental health disorders in a Read more…

Emotional heritage – Journey to Invisible Feels

[Text in Catalan]: L’herència emocional tracta de les relacions humanes i de la seva influència en el comportament humà, de com determinen les nostres relacions, de com són heretades, ja que són emocions presents en les nostres relacions més primerenques i en les relacions amb els nostres pares. Read more…

About «The delegation of power in human aging. Theory of the legacy and investiture of the successor» by Osvaldo Bodni

[Text in Spanish]: El título del libro nos adentra ya en algunas de las cuestiones y planteamientos que nos encontraremos en el libro, también nos remite a Freud. El autor se adentra en la problemática actual de las personas mayores, en cómo se enfrentan a las pérdidas de poder (y su repercusión en la subjetividad) Read more…

Group psychotherapy in old age. A research project

Our aim is to report the elderly people’s psychoanalytic psychotherapy, a pilot project initiated and coordinated by Dr. Pere Folch i Mateu (in memoriam) in September 2010 in Barcelona by a group of mental health professionals, clinical psychologists, psychotherapists with psychoanalytic training and group psychotherapy. Read more…

Presentation of Lorena Sozzi, Joan Manel Blanqué and Carles Pérez Testor

[Text in Catalan]: Lorena Sozzi és una psicòloga i psicoterapeuta jove, procedent de Milà i que vaig conèixer a Sant Pere Claver, on ella col•labora actualment. La vaig conèixer a través de Joan Manel Blanqué, psiquiatra, psicoterapeuta i psicoanalista, director del programa de psicosis incipients Read more…

A winter journal: group psychoanalytic psychotherapy in old age

In September 2010 a group of psychoanalysts got together with the interest of promoting an elderly care project. This project began with the collaboration of primary care centers, where elderly people over 65 often go. Many of them query their doctors about their fear of Read more…

Group therapeutic work in mental health center

An experience of therapeutic groups We present the following considerations on a systematic psychotherapeutic work group in an adult mental health centre (CSMA), with youth and adults, which we organize annually as a psychotherapeutic resort, with a ratio of continuous work, offering the patients a Read more…