Reflections on the Protocol for the management of childhood deficiency hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the Catalan healthcare system

In May 2015 the Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) handling Protocol for children and youth, was published in the Catalan Health System. We, as professionals of different disciplines attending children and youth suffering from the symptomatology described for this disorder, are aware of the Read more…

Celebration of difference and praise of uprooting and acceptance Identities, migrations, mental health and human rights
First part

This article is the first part of an extensive and rigorous reflection regarding identity, diversity, migration and its effects on the mental health of people and their communities. Even though identity is a core theme of psychoanalytical theory, the approach here covers this concept across-the-board Read more…

Of these times and psychoanalysis
Collective and individual subjectivity in the contemporary clinic

Postmodern society questions and dissolves values; consequently, persons who until then have lived in the midst of illusions symbolized by religion, the community and stability now find themselves in a different world. There has come about a fading of comforting gods and fictions that previously Read more…

The psychoanalytic dialogue yesterday and today. What has become of free association and floating attention?
First part: Free association. The fundamental psychoanalytic rule

This paper consists of a critical revision and detailed account of Freudian references above all, although other authors are also taken into account, concerning the use of the rule of free association in the analyzing and of free-floating attention in the analyst, both essential components Read more…

A place for poetry
A look at the lyrical artistic expression linked to clinical psychoanalysis

In this article I explore the adventure of writing poetry: the genesis of the word, what can lead the poet to write, what literary influences stimulate him and the specific tools which are required in the creative process of the poetic language. My reflections come Read more…

Institutional violence and mental health, a matter of balance. The therapeutic accompaniment

The author discusses various aspects of institutional violence, placing the emphasis on the so-called «necessary violence» (Piera Aulagnier), one that is exercised not wanting to cause harm but for the sake of the other. She reflects briefly on the concepts of violence and aggression, their Read more…

Group psychotherapy in old age. A research project

Our aim is to report the elderly people’s psychoanalytic psychotherapy, a pilot project initiated and coordinated by Dr. Pere Folch i Mateu (in memoriam) in September 2010 in Barcelona by a group of mental health professionals, clinical psychologists, psychotherapists with psychoanalytic training and group psychotherapy. Read more…

EMDR in the treatment of traumas and attachment disorders

EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) is a psychotherapeutic approach that consists of eight phases with a set of specific procedures focused on the associative spontaneous processing of the traumatic memories and with a component of bilateral stimulation (ocular, auditory and tactile movements). The theoretical Read more…

Revaluation of the countertransference in the contemporary clinic

The extension of the limits of analyzability, and the changes which today’s culture has printed on the forms of subjectivity, have promoted a large clinical and theoretical richness. Winnicott’s contributions to Freudian thinking, the study of early trauma, and the failures in the symbolic world Read more…

Richard Wagner: About problem of identity and narcissism. Some hypotheses (first part)

This study concerns the life of Richard Wagner. Pychoanalytical concepts are employed to delve into the workings of the great composer’s mind. Various theories are put forward related to the underlying and unconscious dynamic, which influenced one of the world’s best-loved composers. The study is Read more…

Original repression (Urverdrängung), an open concept. One hundred years of Metapsychology

The concept of primal repression (Urverdrängung), which this year is celebrating its 100th anniversary, was one of the most diffused and less developed along Freud’s work, especially from the clinical point of view. In this article, after reviewing those Freudian texts that deal with the Read more…

From the ontology of Selbst to the clinic of the self. Applications within the field of psychosomatic illness

In the present text, a central hypothesis is outlined: the psychosomatic condition corresponds to a manifestation of the true self; concept developed by Winnicott. For this task I propose as support the texts of F. Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra (1885) and Beyond Good and Evil Read more…

«Do you know how I get rid of what you say?»: About Women, Fear and Transmission

Reflection on the 1936 war, the post-war, the dictatorship and the transition involves a difficult challenge. It means a complex and devastating event for humanity that has been indelibly inscribed as a wound which is difficult to heal in the subjectivity of those who lived Read more…

A winter journal: group psychoanalytic psychotherapy in old age

In September 2010 a group of psychoanalysts got together with the interest of promoting an elderly care project. This project began with the collaboration of primary care centers, where elderly people over 65 often go. Many of them query their doctors about their fear of Read more…

Facebook-style transfers in psychoanalytic treatments

The current times, of post-modernity or over-modernity, are characterized by weak, fragile and liquid relationships, as Zygmunt Bauman says. It is becoming more and more common, especially in adolescents, but not only in them, a kind of transference attachment that I’m going to call «Facebook-style», Read more…

Opus 20; 1. Preludio 2. Andante 3. Vivace, ma non troppo 4. Finale

The text refers to the urgent need to renew the psychoanalysis to today’s new challenges. Proposals that are formulated are more based on factors intrinsic to our work than in the extrinsic ones (reigning sociopolitical, economic and ideological crisis, pharmacological treatment options, etc.). This is Read more…

From printing to Internet: technologies and evolution of human subjectivity

People in pre-literate societies show a low capacity for introspection. The invention of the printing press, which allows reading alone, heightens introspective capacity; the appearance of the romantic novel was a powerful stimulus for the reader to empathize with the main characters. The steam engine Read more…

The bond of attachment and its consequences for the human psyche

Attachment theory is currently one of the most interesting theories in the field of childhood. Their main parameters are derived from psychoanalysis, ethology, cognitive psychology and neuropsychology. Attachment theory provides new concepts about the origin of the human psyche. In this sense, it helps us Read more…

Jean Laplanche: the refoundation of Freudian thought

Recently deceased J. Laplanche made important contributions to the Psychoanalytical Theory, which are explored in this article. In an in-depth study of texts by Sigmund Freud, Laplanche clarified ambiguities, reformulated concepts without undermining fundamental theories. Retrieving the Theory of Seduction, abandoned by Freud in 1897, Read more…

The multiple interest of the hypothesis about death drive

[Text in Spanish]: Se efectúa una revisión de la última teoría pulsional freudiana, diferenciando sus dos versiones de la pulsión de muerte, esto es, como compulsión de repetición (Freud,1920) y la traducida en pulsiones agresivas o destructivas (Freud, 1923). Se trata de dos descripciones diferentes, Read more…

The game, beyond the pleasure principle, the death drive and the psychoanalytic space

Starting from the Freudian term of the 1920s, the article relates the game of the fort-da with the conceptualization of the death drive in a theoretical level and the psychoanalytical thought and space in a practical level, intertwined with the ability of symbolization that reflects Read more…

Group therapeutic work in mental health center

An experience of therapeutic groups We present the following considerations on a systematic psychotherapeutic work group in an adult mental health centre (CSMA), with youth and adults, which we organize annually as a psychotherapeutic resort, with a ratio of continuous work, offering the patients a Read more…

The postmodern sexuality. Changes in psychoanalytic theory and clinic

Human sexuality varies from one culture to another depending on the socio-historical context in which it develops. From sexuality of primitive man, linked to the cycle of fertilization, as in other animals, to western human sexuality, increasingly detached from reproduction, there is a giant leap. Read more…

The cotherapy. Its usefulness in psychotic transfers

Co-therapy is a very useful tool in solving particularly difficult cases by an institution with limited resources. The analysis of a real case-family allows for the assessment of the potential advantages of co-therapy. The presence of two therapists brings into the session the libidinal relationship Read more…

Community Health. Promotional aspects in the health of the elderly

[Text in Spanish]: Este trabajo forma parte del libro Aspectos Psicosociales del Mayor, Salud Comunitaria, Creatividad y Derechos Humanos. Desarrollamos nuestra tarea desde un enfoque interdisciplinario, con una mirada amplia sobre ese sujeto que disfruta y sufre en el recorrido de su camino vital, en Read more…

The Verleugnung and its relationship with the knowledge. A study on the concept of ignorance

[Text in Spanish]: En este artículo me propongo tratar el concepto freudiano de Verleugnung (desmentida) desde una doble perspectiva: primero desde un punto de vista clínico, como una defensa generadora de un modo de permanecer inconsciente ante una parte de la realidad, fenómeno para el Read more…

Some considerations about technique in (but not only) psychosomatic

[Text in Spanish]: Este trabajo intenta reflexionar sobre las relaciones que mantienen los principios técnicos y las teorías que les dan cobijo, tomando como ejemplo el pensamiento psicosomático de la Escuela de París. Se pregunta, específicamente, si es posible un cambio teórico que no se Read more…

New approaches in psychoanalytic psychotherapy: IV Symposium of the Spanish Federation of Associations of Psychotherapists (FEAP)

[Text in Spanish]: El pasado 9 de mayo se celebró en Barcelona el IV Simposio de la sección de psicoterapia psicoanalítica de la FEAP, federación que aglutina a diversas asociaciones de profesionales de la psicoterapia de distintas orientaciones y del conjunto del estado. El simposio Read more…

Anatomy and digestive function of the mind: symbolic formation versus cannibalization of meaning

[Text in Spanish]: En este trabajo se aborda la construcción del equipo necesario a la producción de símbolos adoptando el modelo propuesto por Wilfred Bion y las contribuciones posteriores de Donald Meltzer. La peripecia en el proceso constructivo conlleva la posibilidad de formación simbólica, pero Read more…

Variations on a topic of psychotherapy and/or psychoanalysis: the trauma of the single weekly session

[Text in Spanish]: El presente texto es una expansión muy acrecida de una ponencia propuesta en la ocasión de una mesa redonda sobre psicoanálisis y/o psicoterapia, organizada bajo los auspicios de la AEHP. Aquél fue un trabajo clásico sobre las diferencias e indicaciones diversas de Read more…

Between body and word. A creative approach in psychoanalytic psychotherapy

[Text in Spanish]: Este trabajo trata de las consecuencias teóricoclínicas surgidas de mis experiencias con pacientes con trastornos narcisistas y dificultades de simbolización. El objetivo terapéutico fue articular el lenguaje verbal corporal, creativo y el del silencio, para lograr el proceso de metaforización de la Read more…

Has all the past been better… or never as good as now? – Psychoanalytic psychotherapy with elderly people

With this work, first of all, there is an intent of clarifying what we mean by old person, what is the age at which old age begins? Then, it is done a partial and biased historical review of the vision of psychoanalysis on the pshycotherapeutical Read more…

Homelessness and adoption from the child’s perspective

[Text in Spanish]: Deseo compartir con los compañeros de Intercanvis esta ponencia que presenté en una jornada para jueces, sobre Protección de Menores, organizada por el Consejo General del Poder Judicial en Madrid. La colaboración interdisciplinar, que siempre es importante e imprescindible, cobra mayor necesidad, Read more…

Points from a retroactivity reading (Nachträglichkeit; après-coup) in Freud’s work

[Text in Spanish]: La noción de nachträglichkeit se nos presenta como un punto de entrecruzamiento de las teorías psicoanalíticas, no estando exenta de un alto grado de complejidad y posee diversas implicaciones, articulando entre sí temas de gran importancia, tales como las teorías concernientes a: Read more…

The institutional malaise and its effect on the subjectivity of mental health professionals

[Text in Spanish]: Muchos profesionales de la psicología clínica y/o el psicoanálisis, al margen de nuestro trabajo en las consultas privadas, hemos colaborado o colaboramos en alguna institución ya sea, pública, privada o privada subvencionada, en calidad de psicoterapeutas, asesores, etcétera. Con frecuencia, forman parte Read more…

«This is what I have left over» (Notes on excitation)

[Text in Spanish]: De entre la complejidad de fenómenos ligados a la excitación nos interesa investigar ese momento en que la excitación puede transformarse en formas excitadas. Cómo evolucionan, cómo se comportan estas formas excitadas, cuál es su destino, su relación con los objetos mínimos, Read more…

Dreams: action, update, performance?

[Text in Spanish]: Los sueños deben observarse y valorarse como un elemento más dentro de la comunicación transferencial. Sea como narración, contenido manifiesto y primer contenido latente (Rallo) o action language (Shafer). Sea como una dramatización, actualización y/o actuación (aspecto relación de la comunicación) o Read more…