The psychoanalytic dialogue yesterday and today. What has become of free association and floating attention?
First part: Free association. The fundamental psychoanalytic rule

This paper consists of a critical revision and detailed account of Freudian references above all, although other authors are also taken into account, concerning the use of the rule of free association in the analyzing and of free-floating attention in the analyst, both essential components Read more…

A place for poetry
A look at the lyrical artistic expression linked to clinical psychoanalysis

In this article I explore the adventure of writing poetry: the genesis of the word, what can lead the poet to write, what literary influences stimulate him and the specific tools which are required in the creative process of the poetic language. My reflections come Read more…

Institutional violence and mental health, a matter of balance. The therapeutic accompaniment

The author discusses various aspects of institutional violence, placing the emphasis on the so-called «necessary violence» (Piera Aulagnier), one that is exercised not wanting to cause harm but for the sake of the other. She reflects briefly on the concepts of violence and aggression, their Read more…

A conceptual map of the primary and secondary process of the psychic device

In this paper we present the main features of the primary and secondary processes of the psychic apparatus, according to our interpretation of Freud’s formulation, within the first topology. We have organized our presentation using a representation tool known as concept map using free software Read more…

About “People and landscapes. Meeting points between migrants and non-migrants» by Núria Mata i Vinyets

[Text in Catalan]: Si bé la migració és un fet inherent a l’ésser humà, hi ha èpoques que per causes no desitjades es produeix un augment d’emigracions-immigracions, ja sigui per crisis, epidèmies o guerres. Actualment estem assistint precisament a Read more…

About «The delegation of power in human aging. Theory of the legacy and investiture of the successor» by Osvaldo Bodni

[Text in Spanish]: El título del libro nos adentra ya en algunas de las cuestiones y planteamientos que nos encontraremos en el libro, también nos remite a Freud. El autor se adentra en la problemática actual de las personas mayores, en cómo se enfrentan a las pérdidas de poder (y su repercusión en la subjetividad) Read more…