Who knocks at the door?

I’d like to approach the refugees issue as a political and social problem that engages us all objectively and subjectively. The cruelty and harshness of the experiences of the refugee claimants implies such high level of suffering that is likely to break their psychological and Read more…

Multicausality and overdetermination of violence

The human, the subject, is a social, cultural and historical phenomenon characterized by a complex epistemological stratification. The analysis of violence is also a very complex phenomenon. Violence is a multicausal phenomenon whose explanation lies in the presence and interaction of a considerable number of Read more…

For Luis Sales
About article “Original repression (Urverdrängung), an open concept”
Intercanvis / Intercambios, issue 34, June 2015

[Text in Spanish]: Querido compañero y amigo: Ante todo, quiero felicitarte por el magnífico artículo del que eres autor, publicado en esta misma revista, acerca de la represión originaria, en ocasión de cumplirse cien años de la aparición de los trabajos de Freud sobre metapsicología, Read more…

Return to the original repression
Reply to Eduardo Braier

[Text in Spanish]: Querido Eduardo: Antes de intentar dar respuesta a las interesantes cuestiones que me planteas a partir de la lectura de mi artículo sobre la represión originaria, permíteme que te exprese mi agradecimiento por el interés que, tal como manifiestas en tu escrito, te ha suscitado este trabajo Read more…

Celebration of difference and praise of uprooting and acceptance Identities, migrations, mental health and human rights
Second part

This second part is, again, a nomadic text, under this perspective that traverses knowledge about the migrations, exiles and the diverse human movements. While the previous article was the celebration of the difference in recognition of the singularity of each individual product of their identifications, Read more…

Clinical diagonally, particular transferential practices

This article intends to open a reflection on possible transference practices that from collective devices can hold other listening positions. Based on psychoanalytic reflections raises the possibility of understanding and exercising a non-normative clinical practice that may bring together some of the trauma or suffering Read more…

Memory, grief and psychoanalysis on the long way of pain between 1939 and 2017

As the purpose of traumatic symptom is to find someone to talk to, this article is an attempt to articulate a written answer to the question: which is the attitude psychoanalyst must adopt in cases of mourning for social trauma? Tries to develop cognition traumatic Read more…

Neoliberalism, economic crisis and subject

The current economic crisis, which began in 2008, has been produced from the excesses of the neoliberal system, the latest version of capitalism. This is based on the deregulation, privatization and dismantling of the welfare state, born after the Second World War. The Friedmanian claim Read more…