Look how I come in the night
of my people, of the world, without singing
no longer dreams, very empty hands:
I bring you only my great cry
Sleeping child, haven’t you heard it?
Wake up with me, guide my fear
of walker, this pain
of blind eyes within the night.
Salvador Espriu.
Literal translation for intercanvis.es
Poetic anthology.
Barcelona: Edicions 62, 1998.
Original poem text
Prec de Nadal
Mira com vinc per la nit
del meu poble, del món, sense cants
ni ja somnis, ben buides les mans:
et porto sols el meu gran crit.
Infant que dorms, no l’has sentit?
Desperta amb mi, guia’m la por
de caminant, aquest dolor
d’uns ulls de cec dintre la nit.
Salvador Espriu.
Antologia poètica.
Barcelona: Edicions 62, 1998.