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Index of articles :: Issue 48
Ideari i descripció de la revista…………………………… 3
Tosquelles: An amazing exhibit…………………………5
[Text in Catalan]
General section
The sexogeneric identity
Marta Areny………………………………………………..9
[Text in Catalan]
Social networks and mental health: teenage girls tangled
Regina Bayo Borràs………………………………………….21
[Text in Spanish]
Presentation of Studies in metapsychology
GRADIVA – Associació d’estudis psicoanalítics………………….29
[Text in Spanish]
Surrealism in female key
M. Mercè Collell……………………………………………43
[Text in Catalan]
Joaquim Mallafrè interview
Mercè Rigo i Grimalt………………………………………..51
[Text in Catalan]
Online interventions and psychotherapies
Raúl Vaimberg Grillo………………………………………..59
[Text in Spanish]
Guest contributions
Presentation of Luce Irigaray
Beatriz Conde………………………………………………69
[Text in Spanish]
How can we avoid the COVID-19 dictatorship?
Luce Irigaray………………………………………………71
[Text in Spanish]
Presentation of Víctor Hernández
Joan Homs………………………………………………….79
[Text in Spanish]
Psychoanalysis versus a theory of life and gender diversity
Víctor Hernández Ramírez…………………………………….81
[Text in Spanish]
Presentation of Iñaki Markez
Anna Miñarro……………………………………………….91
[Text in Catalan]
Freud and the wars
Iñaki Markez……………………………………………….93
[Text in Spanish]
Presentation of Gastón Auguste
Raúl Vaimberg Grillo………………………………………..109
[Text in Spanish]
Chemsex and psychotherapy virtual group
Gastón Auguste……………………………………………..111
[Text in Spanish]
Bibliographical reviews
X conference of exchange in Psychoanalysis
Magda Blanch……………………………………………….125
[Text in Spanish]
Review of: Authority and authoritarianism. A reading from psychoanalysis
Anna Miñarro……………………………………………….127
[Text in Catalan]
Review of: Jesus and Socrates. Two masters for the future of humanity
Antoni Talarn………………………………………………131
[Text in Spanish]
Normes per a la presentació d’articles……………… 135
Socis……………………………………………………………………… 139
psychosexuality, sexual identity, gender identity, transsexuality, social networks, public-private, teenage feminine subjectivity, gender norms, specular alienation, virtualisation and psychological life, metapsychology, actuality, validity, disavowal, primal repression, borderline pathology, surrealism, women painters, màgic realisme, psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, interventions, online, digitization, mixed frames COVID-19, touching, breathing, sexuate difference, gender theory of life, normalization rules, Sigmund Freud, war, peace, education, life drive, death drive chemsex, onlinetherapy, LGTBI+, postheteronormative, queer, drugs, groups, sadomasochism, sexualities, consumption substances