Presentation of article «Tosquelles, going and return» by Isabel Baixeras Delclòs

[Automatic translation from Catalan]:

Isabel Baixeras Delclòs, a law graduate, has worked as an administrative lawyer and as a ombudswoman. She also works, on a voluntary basis, within the sections and commissions of the Reus Reading Center. Isabel investigates the leading figure Francesc Tosquelles i Llauradó, and disseminates his knowledge for the interest that his philosophy gives her in relation to the need to heal institutions – not only psychiatric institutions, but all organizations – so that they fulfill their own functions.

The article «Tosquelles, going and return», which you can then read, is a wonderful and genuine journey through his trade, as he liked to say, and it helps us to see how difficult it was both his departure from a country in the midst of fascist war and his return to a country that was still in a position to mistreat all those citizens who distinguished themselves by being different and maintaining democratic criteria.

It shows us how his training, his praxis and his doctrine when he fled Franco, and unlike what many have held for years, he is not of French origin. It reminds us that despite his youth, he had just turned 27, and had obtained the professional degree of doctor from his teacher Emili Mira i López, not was recognized in France, was hired as a nurse and had to repeat his studies in the French teaching system until he graduated again in Medicine.

The article conveys to us how Francesc Tosquelles focused his work and study on the commitment to the fate of the unbearable—whether desire, affections, or experience. In his works he explores the states and the psychological dynamics of the survivors of the war, of what we might call the Spanish Holocaust, and how he was able to maintain and accompany a struggle to ensure that continue to live in the midst of as much fatality was possible, especially linked to the land.

All his work was based on clinical experience and the importance of witnessing for support patients’ lives, after massive physical and psychological trauma. Whatever our way of thinking about what’s lacking in our patients’ clinical, and whatever ways we seek to locate and repair what’s lacking, the psychoanalysts will have to follow Freud and Francesc Tosquelles, and do the research that allows vitality through our permanent presence and our bond with the community to which we belong.

Anna Miñarro
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