Presentation of Luce Irigaray

[Automatic translation from Spanish]:
Luce Irigaray was born in Belgium in 1930 but resides and pursues her intellectual activity in Paris, where she is director of research in Philosophy at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). She is a doctor of philosophy with her thesis «Speculum, The Place of Women in the History of Philosophy» at the University of Vincennes, in 1974. He also trained in linguistics with a thesis on «The language of the lunatics», at the University of Nanterre in 1968; and in philology and literature with a thesis on Paul Valéry at the University of Leuven in 1955. It is also formed in psychoanalysis and yoga. Recognized as an influential thinker of our time, her work focuses primarily on the elaboration of a new culture, that of two subjects, male and female. New as the unique subject, the male, has engendered and defined the world and the female by making the latter its negative, its opposite. He has invented and built a world since his incarnated language, obeying his sex. His “phallic economy” forgets the different subject, the female, in which the same repetitive, cumulative, entropic economy is not played.

Luce Irigaray develops his postulate through various literary forms, from philosophical to scientific, political, and poetic. It inspires us to emerge from a culture of resemblance and to venture towards meeting and astonishment at what is different. For her, sexuation is a starting point toward the other and life, a horizon towards a partner, an irreducible partner to discover.

She is the author of more than thirty books translated into several languages. Her most recent publications include: In the beginning she was (2016), To Be Born (2017) and Sharing the Fire (2019). Since 2003, Luce Irigaray has held an annual seminar for students doing the doctorate on his work and publishing books that compile some of his first publications: Luce Irigaray: Teaching (2008, co-edited with Mary Green), Building a New World (2015, co-edited with Michael Marder), Towards a New Human Being (2019, co-edited with Mahon O’Brien and Christos Hadjioannou).

This is a reflection on whether the crisis caused by COVID-19 merely alerts us to the way we are part of the world as living beings. It is questionable whether the impact of forgetting touch and breathing on our lives has been exacerbated by this crisis and invites us to take advantage of this moment to think about and propose another future.

Beatriz Conde
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