Review of «Sleeping beauty awakes: The malaise of not being conscious» by Regina Bayo-Borrás

Bella durmiente despierta: El malestar de no ser consciente
Regina Bayo-Borrás Falcón
Barcelona: Editorial Digital Feminista Victoria Sau, 2022

[Automatic translation from Spanish]:

Regina Bayo-Borras Falcon has written a book that is, firstly, indispensable for understanding the difficulty that it has been, and continues to be, to be a woman in the society from which we come and to which we belong in this Western world, which is only apparently more open to change and in which there is still much to do. Secondly, it is necessary, because it helps us to situate from different spheres the tragedy that this «unease of which we are not aware» produces in the psyche of women at all stages of their lives: girls, adolescents, young women, adults, mothers, daughters, wives… etc. And, thirdly, it is vindicative, since it encourages us to «wake up from our lethargy», to get rid of our chains, to think about ourselves and to claim with serious and rigorous arguments not only the functions that we fulfill without even realizing it, but why we do them. It stirs up our social unconscious and allows us to rethink the way we live it.

The book is a compendium of many articles published throughout her long professional career dedicated to the field of women’s psychology. As she herself explains in her introduction, from her university years, she began to be included in groups, associations, and work groups that began the construction of the organization of the feminist movement in Barcelona and Madrid. Since the death of Franco and the First Catalan Women’s Days in 1976, she has not stopped being part of feminist movements, in her capacity as a clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, and psychoanalyst, studying and researching everything related to female psychology. The selected texts show her extensive experience in these subjects and have been published in different journals in the field of mental health and psychoanalysis.

The compilation of articles has been carried out based on four thematic axes or differentiated chapters.[…]

Marisa Ara
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