Review of the book «Clinical of meaning. The vertex Bion / Meltzer» de Carlos Tabbia

Clínica del significado. El vértice Bion / Meltzer
Carlos Tabbia
Buenos Aires: APA Editorial, 2021

[Automatic translation from Spanish]:
The complexity of the generation of meaning is studied in the book both in the psychopathological manifestations and in the difficulties of the psychoanalyst itself. Proof of this is the clinical materials and sessions with interpretations and thoughts of the analyst where it is shown without showing the difficulties we find ourselves immersed in everyday practice.

The book is organized around four major cores:

  1. the conceptual framework,
  2. elements for post-kleinian nosology,
  3. the tripod of the psychoanalytic clinic and
  4. the task of the psychoanalyst.

1) In the Conceptual framework shows the different vertexes and authors that make up the book’s heritage. The «psychic reality» is presented from the Antoni Tapies palette. The values are pre-announced from the Max Scheler scale. The combined object as an ethical ideal would frame the future of the walker.

2) In elements for post-kleinian nosology, he proposes the concept of a «mental state» that opposes a substantialist conception because the mental state may vary when elements of its personality vary. The «Parameters for the observation of personality» alongside the «Dimensions for diagnosis» complement elements for a nosology capable of observing personality structure, the ability to establish intimate relations, and the role of thinking to treat them. This vertex prepares the analyst to find the new in which it appears to be invariant. Novelty that the patient himself can avoid while occasionally trying to convince the analyst and himself of the invariance of his state. Sometimes, it can be a state accompanied by the collusion of the analyst in the eventual fear that it may arouse the capture of the open universe against the transformation or emergence of the new. […]

Darío Arce
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