Violence against women, ViolenceS against The woman

This article discusses the premise that the clinical approach to understanding the mindset of those perpetrators who commit acts of domestic/sexist violence cannot be successful if it relies on only social, cultural, historical and political factors. Instead, the clinical approach —and proper assessment— also requires Read more…

Celebration of difference and praise of uprooting and acceptance Identities, migrations, mental health and human rights
Second part

This second part is, again, a nomadic text, under this perspective that traverses knowledge about the migrations, exiles and the diverse human movements. While the previous article was the celebration of the difference in recognition of the singularity of each individual product of their identifications, Read more…

Clinical diagonally, particular transferential practices

This article intends to open a reflection on possible transference practices that from collective devices can hold other listening positions. Based on psychoanalytic reflections raises the possibility of understanding and exercising a non-normative clinical practice that may bring together some of the trauma or suffering Read more…