«The Father» by August Strindberg


The theater played a very important role in Sigmund Freud’s thinking and in the development of his theory.

The great Swedish playwright August Strindberg, a contemporary of Freud, we don’t know if he had a relationship with Freud, but he came close to Charcot’s thinking, and knew how to masterfully describe the human soul. In the play The Father, he showed the doubt about paternity, the impossible search for certainty and the anguish before the other of the castration. As Lacan tells us, in the line of Freud, the poetic creations, more that reflect psychological creations, engender them.

Theatre, myth, paternal function, rock of castration.

[Automatic translation from Catalan]:

Sigmund Freud died at three o’clock in the morning, 23 September 1939. Four decades earlier, he had written to Oskar Pfister asking himself what to do on the day that thoughts are missing, or words are not found. «We are moving with the armor on, as King Macbeth» —said to him—.

This reference of a theatrical character to his own death; it was a constant in Freud’s life. The creator of psychoanalysis; he sought in the origins of theatre the necessary references of Greek myths that would serve him to explain the unconscious. One of them, the myth of the Oedipus of Sophocles, would remain as an obligatory precedent in the future of today’s culture. Freud called his daughter Anna, Antigone; he had in his office at Bergasse Street, number 19,[…]

Mercè Rigo
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