Suicide, history, causes, pathology, clinic
[Automatic translation from Catalan]:
Almost all patients we questioned us, at some point in their psychotherapeutic process, about different aspects of the relationship that is built between patient and therapist, or the relevance of some of our interventions, but those who have carried out a suicide attempt open us questions of many kinds and also different ethical issues.
The suicide patient at first raises his or her relationship to death itself, which has been actively sought at some point in his life and, whether we like it or not, refers to our essence of mortal beings and to the very beliefs or experiences about the nature of the beyond life today. According to Ramon Andrés, suicide terrifies us because death does not come from nature; suicide breaks human time, it violates natural order. I also believe that it terrifies us because it connects us directly with the respect that usually brings us to the end of one’s life, and with one’s self-destructive emotions.
The person who has made one or more suicide attempts and asks for our help, often with the fear of being able to re-act an act that attacks his or her own life. He is a person who wants to live, but this desire also coexists with emotional content that has led him to take action to end his existence. Accepting a patient with these characteristics places us, as professionals, on the threshold of a door that can be opened to death by our professional limitations, by the patient’s inability to find a […]
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