To welcome and treat the difference in mental health


This article tries to make a tour of what various authors consider Normality and/or Adaptation, showing that the “normal”, refers only to the area marked by a rule that changes and adapts to various historical contexts that the subject has lived, and the difficulty of the professionals to be able to accept, and be able to deal with the differences.

Notes the difficulties of the professionals and families to accept differences and therefore to put the appropriate means and accompany them, and to be able to recognize what is specific to each subject. As Freud wrote the dynamic unconscious and its manifestations is what makes us unique.

It also aims to reflect on the tools and time we have available and thus be able to reverse the fatigue of patients, family members and professionals knowing that, often, despite efforts and preparation, it will not be easy. The task involves making it possible for the invisible to emerge at any time recognizing the differences that come to us from the other and questioning our “safe and sound”, the one who, at times, we are reassured.

welcome, difference, normality, adaptation, subject, only one, wish, invisible

Fernando Vicente Gómez
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